Membership Application (APG)

This application form is for APGs or APG staff members.

APG Member Application

Personal Information

This section is about information pertaining to you.

Personal Information (cont.)

This section is a continuation of information pertaining to you.

Organizational Information

This section is about information pertaining to your organization.

TIP: for the below question of 'How many different geographies does your organization serve?': Two weekly meetings where attendance is predominantly DIFFERENT count's as serving two different geographies such as meetings held on the north and south sides of town, held in different cities, etc. Two weekly meetings where attendance is predominantly THE SAME count's as serving only one geography.

Organizational Information (cont.)

This section is a continuation of information pertaining to your organization.

Organizational Information (cont.)

This section is a continuation of information pertaining to your organization.

Membership Payment

Please provide your payment details.

No payment items has been selected yet
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